National Dong Hwa University (NDHU) was founded in 1994, with the planning stage starting three years earlier; it is the best comprehensive university emphasizing academic research and teaching in Eastern Taiwan; and now has more than 10,000 students, which include students coming from various countries and diverse cultures and backgrounds.
Furthermore, the school consists of 7 colleges (1) College of Humanities and Social Sciences, (2) The College of Science and Engineering, (3)The College of Management, (4) Hua-Shih College of Education, (5) The College of Arts, (6) The College of Indigenous Studies, and (7) The College of Environmental Studies and Oceanology, which include 40 bachelor’s programs, 41 master’s programs, and 17 Ph.D. programs located in three campuses - The Hualien Shou-Feng Campus, The Hualien Meilun Campus, and The Pingtung Campus - that most of the colleges are at the Shou-Feng Campus where the majorities will accomplish their degree.
Further, more importantly, 95% of the full-time faculty members hold Ph.D. degrees from prestigious universities in Taiwan and abroad, and there are more than 450 sister universities around the world, giving the best opportunities for the students to thrive and grow and achieve the goal of letting them see the world and be seen by studying at NDHU.
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
College of Science and Engineering
College of Environmental Studies and Oceanography
More information:
Estimated Expenses for International Students at National Dong Hwa University
臺幣/學期 |
美金/學期 |
宿舍及生活費 |
住宿費(宿舍) |
NTD 9,500~16,500 |
USD 317~550 |
生活費 |
NTD 30,000~45,000 |
USD 1,000~1,500 |
學費 |
學雜費 |
學士班 Undergraduate |
NTD 48,000~55,580 |
USD 1,600~1,853 |
研究所 |
NTD 21,480~25,800 |
USD 716~860 |
學分費 |
研究所 |
NTD 3,060 *credits |
USD 102 *credits |
The estimated amounts above may vary depend on personal life style, needs, exchange rate, etc.
Scholarships Information
項目 |
受獎期限 |
學制 |
申請時間 |
獎學金項目 |
名額 |
學雜費 |
生活津貼 |
外國學生獎學金 |
國立東華大學外國學生就讀本校獎學金 |
一學期 |
學士 研究所 |
新生: 與入學一同申請。 |
部分或全免。 |
臺幣2萬~3萬/學期 |
是當年度經費預算而定。 available budgets. |
國立東華大學博士班外國學生菁英獎學金 |
三年 |
博士班 |
學期間,由學院推薦,不接受學生個人申請。 |
學雜費及學分費全免。 |
臺幣2萬/月 |
國立東華大學南向獎學金辦法 |
三年 |
博士班 |
與入學一同申請。 |
學雜費全免。 |
臺幣 6千/月 |
是當年度經費預算而定。 available budgets. |
教育部臺灣獎學金 |
至多四年 |
學士 |
將依據臺灣駐外館處辦理。 |
學雜費優惠。 |
臺幣1萬5/月 |
將依據臺灣駐外館處辦理。 |
研究所 |
臺幣2萬/月 |
教育部新南向培英獎學金 |
至多二年 |
碩士班 |
限9月入學新生。 |
- |
臺幣2萬5/月 |
依教育部核定 |
至多三年 |
博士班(優先)Ph.D. |
僑生獎學金 |
國立東華大學僑生就讀本校獎學金 |
一學期 |
學士 研究所 |
8月初 |
學雜費全免。 |
臺幣4千~6千/月 |
是當年度經費預算而定。 available budgets. |
Miscellaneous fees do not include other related expenses such as proxy fees, insurance charges, and Internet usage fees.
How to Apply:
International Admissions Division,
Office of International Affairs.
National Dong Hwa University